There are several ways in which you can support our work. First of all: be positive! With small acts of kindness towards your neighbours or the elders of your community, a lot is achieved already. If you want to do more, here is how:
1. Become a supporting member
If you want to become a supporting member of the Adabu Foundation, please send us a short written note including your name, date of birth and current postal address to: adabu-foundation[at]irieites.de or use the contact form (*CLICK HERE*).
The supporting members support the objectives of the association by paying an annual membership fee (12,- € or more) and, if desired, additionally through their personal commitment. Apart from the payment of the annual membership fee, no further obligations arise from membership.
2. Donate
You can DONATE any amount of money to the following account:
IBAN: DE14 8306 5408 0004 9733 72
Or simply click the button below to donate via Paypal:
For your donation, you’ll receive a donation receipt (Spendenbescheinigung).
3. Support us locally
If you have time to spare and are willing to help on the spot, please contact us.